Archaeological and Paleontological Monitors Needed for Southern California Projects
Location Areas: Antelope Valley and San Fernando Valley
Envicom Corporation (Envicom) is looking for on-call archaeological and paleontological monitors to assist with construction monitoring at various project sites in Southern California. Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in archaeology, paleontology, or geology. Candidates should have a minimum of one year of experience working with construction projects and heavy equipment. Candidates should also have direct experience identifying artifacts and/or paleontological materials during construction and be confident in communicating with and directing construction crews as necessary. Preferred candidates would have a basic understanding of state laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines governing cultural and/or paleontological resources.
Envicom offers a competitive salary. Salary Range: $24-$30 per hour with per diem. Additional benefits are on a project-by-project basis. Send Resumes to: rlmauro@